Sunday, January 19, 2014

"But I don't want to!!!!" {RANT}

In case you didn't know this about me, I am a college student. This is my third go around with college. First time was as a nursing student (I did home health care for several years), second time was an associates in health information technology.... yeah... I'm not a sit behind a desk all day type of person though.... and now, I have finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up!!! I am in my last semester as a undergrad senior at Liberty University. I am getting my Bachelor's of Science in Psychology specializing in addiction and recovery counseling with a minor in Christian counseling. In May, I will be starting my Master's in Addiction and Recovery Counseling.
So anyways, this semester, I am taking one of my final math classes (I have one more to take after this, but since I have less than 9 credit hours, I can go ahead and start my grad classes next semester), and my last undergrad psychology class which is abnormal psychology. The reason why I have to take another math class after this one is because I hate math. So I procrastinated (because I am the queen of procrastination) and put off math until last, not realizing that I had THREE of them to take when I decided to put off Math until last. Yes, that's right... three... I took one last semester.
I hate math. Have I mentioned that? And it's not that I am not good at math, because I am. I finished my last math class with a 96/A. I just don't like to do math, and I have absolutely NO desire to do it, especially since I will never use it as a substance abuse counselor or even as a counselor in general.
So yeah... I hate math.
And tonight, while I want to just veg out with my husband and relax before we start another Monday, tomorrow.... I have to stay up and work on.... you guessed it.... MATH homework. And I am NOT happy about it. Not one little bit. *POUT*
Call it what you will... I call it "Senioritus"... but this is my "BUT I DON'T WANT TO DO MATH HOMEWORK" face....

If I could get away with throwing a hissy-fit like a 2 year old, right now, I would. 

Okay.... end rant. I've got homework to get to now. 
Pray for me.

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